You know what really grinds my gears? ;)
It's people saying it's an objective fact that the prequels were bad and then spouting the same lame 'reasons' that they're just parroting from online hipsters.
But seriously, there's a lot more going on beneath the surface of the prequels, and despite the ridicule of the uninformed, (or those blinded by nostalgia), nothing will change that.
As for The Force Awakens having the "feel" of the originals, I say hogwash. It has the "feel" of a modern blockbuster with all the trendy editing choices, over emoting and other trappings. It's the marketing campaign that's telling everybody that they're 'going back to the way things were', and a lot of people have actually bought into that.
Being hipster is something that definitely is new to the Star Wars movies, because Lucas's movies were more about trying new things and taking risks, not moving back to 35mm film and rubber puppets with strings. A lot of it strikes me as clichΓ©, especially the x wings, tie fighters, stormtroopers, Darth vader-like villain, new death star . . . Its more like a Star Wars stereotype than the imaginative originality it used to be.
Am I excited about it? Are you kidding, I'm thrilled! I'm counting down the days to Episode VII! See, I know how to have fun and enjoy it π
The key is in seeing the movie for what it really is, through the marketing hype.